COLT 2011 - Call for Open Problems

The 24th Annual Conference on Learning Theory (COLT 2011) will include an Open Problems session. A description of the problems posed will also appear on the conference web site (and in the electronic proceedings).

We encourage everyone to propose and present a clearly defined open research problem (or several closely related open problems), relevant to COLT. Authors should carefully prepare a brief writeup including a clear, self-contained description of the problem, their motivation for studying it, and the current state of this problem (including any known partial or conjectured solutions and relevant references). As last year, we encourage submissions of problems not conventionally in the scope of COLT, as long as there is a convincing reason to include it in the conference. You should be able to clearly express the problem in a 5-10 minute talk. A reward for solving an open problem is encouraged but not required.

If you would like to submit a problem, please email it to by May 11, 2011. Submissions should be at most 2 pages long and be in the COLT format (.zip, tar.gz).

Deadline is extended to: May 11, 2011
Author notification (open problems): May 18, 2011

Open Problems Chair:
Alina Beygelzimer